Jul 23, 2021Dimensional Fund Advisors Firm HistoryA history of Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), A Foundation Built on Great Ideas video.
Jul 23, 20212016: Ten Predictions to Count OnThe following article is provided by Jim Parker, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors, on the value of 2016 market predictions....
Jul 23, 2021Dimensional On: Staying in the MarketDavid Butler of Dimensional Fund Advisors speaks on the need to stay committed to your long-term investment plans. Clear Financial's...
Jul 23, 2021Dimensional On: Controlling What You Can ControlDavid Butler of Dimensional Fund Advisors discusses the importance of knowing what you can control in an investment and financial plan.
Jul 23, 2021Dimensional On: The Importance of AdviceDavid Butler of Dimensional Fund Advisors discusses the importance of working with an independent financial advisor.
Jul 23, 2021Dimensional On: Independent Objective AdviceWeston Wellington of Dimensional Fund Advisors discusses the benefits of an independent objective advisor.
Jul 23, 2021Dimensional On: Using a Financial AdvisorProfessor Kenneth French and Professor Eugene Fama of Dimensional Fund Advisors discuss the value of an independent financial advisor.
Jul 23, 2021Unhealthy AttachmentsThe following article is provided by Jim Parker of Dimensional Fund Advisors regarding investment philosophies that are not healthy. Have...
Jul 23, 2021Should Investors Sell After a Downturn?The following article is provided by Weston Wellington, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors, on the destructiveness of giving in...